get shaky…

in australia there was a song called “let’s get shaky after school” and it was played constantly wherever we went. whether we were in clubs, the mall, or a coffee shop, this song was always on the radio. i remember dancing at clubs when this song came on and a feeling akin to the feeling … More get shaky…

on my own…

there is something to be said about getting to the point where simply hiking a trail is not enough and it must be run… i was at this point this past week after packing up four months worth of stuff into two very full bags and saying good bye to the girls who loved and … More on my own…


Last weekend I went to Sydney and was absolutely captured by it. It has so much to say. I felt as I walked the streets that each building had a story, had stood the test of time and tourists and had served and continued to serve its function well. These buildings had a grace to … More History…

a page turned…

This is officially the first time I’ve “blogged”. Funny. In my journey through Australia, I feel like I’ve turned a page. The first two months were a time of discovery, learning, and just acclimating myself to a new place. I’m sure people looked at me as the tourist, the dumb American, and I’m positive I … More a page turned…