bread & wine, community, and our little house church.

last night i had the privilege of having dinner with some of my favorite women on earth. women who have listened to my stories, cried with me, made food for me, and walked with me through some of the hardest transitions in life. these women, this church, has meant the world to all 5 of us in a variety … More bread & wine, community, and our little house church.

we are wed.

on june 16th, 2012 i had the privilege and honor of marrying my best friend. of promising that we will be together for the rest of our lives and it was amazing. emotional. overwhelming. and such a blessing. i started the day with a short run on my favorite route. i have a tradition of running on … More we are wed.


i am not an animal person. i don’t really like animals, hate hair/fur, and have never desired to have one of my own. i have never owned a pet except for the gerbil that my mom had in her classroom that i took care of on school breaks and in the summer. i did train … More wiggo.

the purchase.

ever since january of 2009, i’ve wanted a vespa. i drove one on my 3rd day in australia studying abroad and fell in love. the freedom, wind in the face, ocean air (in au) and just pure joy of riding one had me hooked. over the next few years i spent (ok, wasted) a lot … More the purchase.


people get geeked about weddings. besides the fact that like any other large holiday or celebration, they’ve been completely commercialized, there is something profound about a ceremony, a day set aside to officially commit what two people have been working towards for a while. weddings are a BIG deal and I think its because  deep … More weddings.

not quite yet.

life is a bit overwhelming right now. as my friend carrie assures me often, it’s all good things but whew, it’s a bit crazy. i feel like i’m living a life of not quite yet. engaged but not quite yet married. april but not quite yet time to put away the sweaters. training but not … More not quite yet.


“Take time to be aware that in the very midst of our busy preparations for the celebration of Christ’s birth in ancient Bethlehem, Christ is reborn in the Bethlehems of our homes and daily lives. Take time, slow down, be still, be awake to the Divine Mystery that looks so common and so ordinary yet … More advent.